For a rather long time, I was not a fan of classic game emulation. I viewed it as a bastardization of the gaming medium. I also wondered how you could possibly enjoy playing an old NES, or Genesis game on a computer, while not using the original hardware or controllers. Also, having separate emulators to configure, and issues with improperly mapped controls, emulation just couldn't deliver the experience I was looking for.
Fast forward to current day. My views on emulation have turned around thanks to the help of OpenEmu. OpenEmu is a fantastic piece of software that allows you to search, sort, and organize all of your ROMs. The interface reminds me very much of iTunes. It also has the ability to launch the game right where you left off, even if you didn't create a save state. When it comes to the controls, it has a tendency to automatically detect your USB controller, and even properly map the controls for you. I have only tested it with 2 controllers so far (Logitech USB Rumble Pad, and Xbox 360 controller), but I must say that it works fantastically. In OS X I did need to download a driver so that my Xbox 360 controller would be compatible.
Adding ROMS to OpenEmu is very simple. You can simply drag and drop your rom files into the main window of the application, and it will sort out your ROMs and place them under the Console category that they belong to. OpenEmu even attempts to find the box cover art for all of your games. One of the best things about OpenEmu is that it is 100% free. To go grab this fantastic piece of free software, head on over to . Feel free to comment, and let me know what games you've been playing.
Thoughts of a Grown-Up Gamer
Monday, August 18, 2014
Monday, July 4, 2011
Steam Summer Sale!
It's that glorious time of year again. The Steam Summer Sale is upon us. There are amazing deals going on through July 10th. Don't miss out on all the deals. I've already managed to save quite a bit of cash picking up games that I've been wanting to play for the last year or two. Even the Mann Co. Store in TF2 has had sales on their items. Additionally, you can use tickets to unlock free swag for your games. You earn tickets by doing different things in-game, or otherwise. The list changes daily. Summer is hot. Cool of inside with an awesome new game.
Mac Gaming,
PC Gaming,
Video Games
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Team Fortress 2 is Now Free to Play

Along with the announcement of going free to play, the Uber Update dropped. This brought new items for the Medic, Heavy, Scout, Spy, Demo, Sniper, Soldier, and Pyro. Some classes got more love than others (and one completely skipped. Poor Engineer.).
I strongly encourage anyone who hasn't played TF2, to give it a shot. All it will take now is a little patience for the download, and the creation of a free Steam account.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever Has Gone Gold!

On a separate note, I was in a location in which I had no internet for a week (with work as an exception). Apologies for the complete lack of updates. I'll be looking to update at least once a week. Thanks.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Zombie Week Redux: Wednesday - Plants Vs. Zombies
Many of you have probably already played Pop Cap's puzzle/defense game Plants vs. Zombies, but in case you haven't I'm here to let you know a bit more about it. PvZ is a delightful game available for the iPhone, iPad, and PC/Mac. The objective is to prevent the hilarious zombie horde from entering your home and eating your brains. Your faithful friends, plants, are here to protect you. You acquire sun power to help generate more plants to keep your home (and brains) safe. The zombie characters are very well done, and the plants abilities and names are well thought out. This is a game that I thought I would never enjoy, but became addicted to it like crack. If you don't own it already, pick it up for any platform. You do, however, get more content in the PC/Mac version of the game. There are various mini games that you do not have access to in the iOS version. Though no matter what you play it on, you'll have a blast.
Mac Gaming,
PC Gaming,
Xbox 360,
Zombie Week
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Steam Sale: EA Games
I know that this is coming late in the week, but EA has been having games on sale all week. Currently Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is $6.80. That's less than I spend at Starbucks. This is an incredible deal if you're a PC gamer. The new Medal of Honor game is also just $14.99. If you've got the early May blues, (I have no idea what that even means) go pick up one of these games now. Why are you still reading this? Go! The sale is almost over!
Life has gotten in the way in the last week. I have a new computer, new camera, had an anniversary, took engagement photos, etc. I will be resuming zombie week this week, and will have more to say about the gaming world. I apologize to anyone who has been following. There will be more to come, and soon. Cheers.
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